Wednesday 4 February 2015

DOREAMON Dokodemo Door Famous Instagram-er Jasmine Tang & Joey with our Balloon Decoration for Birthday party! Balloon Frame & Balloon Sculpture with flying balloon helicopter !

Famous girl JAsmine Tang requested a dokodemo door but its in blue from us

But we finally add something on as a Doreamon Body door design.
And she is very satisfied with our Balloon Artwork!

It's an openable DOKODEMO DOOR !! HAve you even seen this?

Look! How Fun we were having!

Happy Birthday to Joey ^^ 

Next, This is Birthday Balloon Frame for Futureman :)

I'm Happy to capture with the 2 pretty and famous girls ^^

Story: My boyfriend is leaving to oversea, there is no chance for us to celebrate our Christmas day..
So She requested for a very pretty girl with tears on eyes, Hands putting on cheek and looking at the flying plane...
"Oh, One more request, I need a broken CHANEL bag please :'( "
haha she is really funny haha

with very "CHAM" tearing eyes..haha
Broken CHANEL Bag haha 

 She is a very good customer! Like doing business with her ^^

Bye ByE~~~

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